Tuesday, April 10, 2012

sex and romanace in today's entertainment

        Most of by young teen and adulthood know that sex has been around ever since the first two living things walk the earth.  In the very early years, sex was a way to create life, it was something that was instinctual, natural, and vital to continuing the circle of life.  “The History of Sexuality” by Michel Foucault shows us all of this.  He writes about how sex for humans in the 18th and 19th century were strictly for creating a life, and that the purpose of creating life differed from the animal way of doing it.
It’s not like I was completely in the dark about this, I was well aware that the ideas of the purposes of sex have changed.  Especially considering that today’s culture (with the help of media) has glamorized sex and sexuality to the most positive extend and the ugliness of sex (STDs, AIDS, infections, rashes, and other painful and health threatening illnesses that can be contagious via sexual intercourse) has been put off to the side almost as if it doesn’t exist.  Relating to today’s sexual issues, it is clear that if sex helps sell things, it is easier to jump on and use sex to your advertising and selling advantage.  Even more now that sexuality comes with such a positive light shone on it.
       The whole “sex” subject is something that I want to spend a little bit of time talking about because I personally don’t think it gets enough attention.  I asked a few friends and my roommates what was the first thing that comes to mind when they hear the word “sex”.  Their responses varied from; “Chris”, “orgasm”, “gender”, and “hot”.  Not one of them used a “negative” word to associate with the action between two people.  I think that it is interesting to see movies do the same thing...not only do most movies exclude any of the negative things about sex and romance (I guess romance ‘negatives’ would include things like getting screwed over, cheated on, a broken heart, etc.), but they can tend to over exaggerate the friendships and/or relationships that people have with those who they are sexually involved with.  Now don’t get me wrong, I’m sure writers often use personal experiences and the stories of others as a base to write these plots and scenes that include sex and romance comedy, but at the same time it’s like the distortion of these stories have gotten more and more exaggerated over time.
       I guess overall I feel bad for those who watch the newer romantic and sex comedies and don’t understand the extent of the exaggeration, and trust me one of my dear friends believes everything she sees in a rom-com, or don’t understand the evolution that has happened with sex and romance since it has been shown and portrayed in a comedic light.   To close up I want to point out, that since watching these older and early rom-coms I seriously understand my mother’s genuine shock at how far today’s rom-coms can push the limits.  In fact I hate admitting this, but sometimes I’m shocked that some racy scene or joke actually made the final cut in a movie!  Here’s to hoping I can teach my future kids, friend’s kids, and nieces and nephews what they need to know and understand to appreciate rom-coms and sex comedies, and here’s to hoping they listen to my wise words and lectures! :} xo

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